Asset Tracing, Recovery, and Judgement Enforcement

Securing a favorable arbitration award or court judgment is just the beginning; enforcement is where the real challenge often lies. I assist clients in navigating the intricate process of judgment enforcement, including actions against foreign governments and sovereign entities.

I have extensive experience with enforcement under the 1958 New York Convention and the ICSID Convention, utilizing domestic and international laws to ensure clients recover what they are rightfully owed.

Recovering assets requires a strategic and multifaceted approach. I work closely with skilled investigators to locate hidden or misappropriated assets, assess their nature and value, and shape a case-specific enforcement strategy. Concrete tasks I can assist with include:

By combining legal expertise, investigative support, and strategic planning, I help clients navigate the complexities of asset recovery and enforcement with confidence and precision.

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Does my expertise align with your legal needs? Don't hesitate to reach out for a free consultation.

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    599 Lexington Ave.
    New York, NY 10022
    United States
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    +1 (201) 892 9086
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